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Ugne Davel scar Stylist

Personal connection is key for Ugne, and establishing that with her clients is the aspect she most treasures in her day to day.

Ugne is a real life Lithuanian! It is in her own words a “small and charming European country”.

Even more charming is her bachelors degree in coiffure design… Ugne literally studied the arrangement of hair. (A varsity that teaches “hair”- surely enough reason alone, to visit there!)
She initially joined the university because it sounded fun and interesting – she stayed because she developed a deep passion for hair and it became her everything…
For six years since, she has been thriving back home; in a salon environment with a focus on colour services and on creating beautiful hair!
Personal connection is key for Ugne, and establishing that with her clients is the aspect she most treasures in her day to day.
It’s this connection that allows her to determine the best options for each very individual person she sees. And if she can teach them how to embrace their hair’s own texture, care for it and avoid constant battles – her mission is accomplished she believes.

It’s having these skills that makes being able to share them with clients the true dream!

Fortés and passshins: transformations! Also radically improving the day-to-day hair issues that clients have. She is also a genius with a razor and a master of the gents longer haired cuts.