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Label.m is a big seller here at scar.

It’s no real surprise, as it’s a quality product and its broad range of haircare products caters for all hair types and styles.

We try to have somewhat of a constant offering to clients in the salon and online whether in the form of some sort of a gift of purchase or like our annual scar Winter Top Up deal – which is actually starting soon so watch this space – that allows you to ‘top up’ your appointment with a colour or treatment deal (or two or three) depending on how much of a change you are after… Great and affordable way to try colour.

In the same way we like to keep it fresh for our stylists and so we have pretty much ongoing scar staff incentives with great prizes to thank and excite our stylists and mostly to keep them on their game which keeps them as knowledgeable as they are. Leandi won this Label.m competition and its fantastic prize…

 Leandi wins herself a trip to London in October – fish an tjieps!





Whilst there, Leandi will be doing a Label.m Ambassador Course (so she’ll become even more of an expert than she already is) and will also be spending a day with Sophia Hilton at Not Another Salon!

(Remember Sophia?)

Needless to say, if you’re in-salon and needing any advice on Label.m, you know who to ask for..!

Leandi will become even more of an expert on Label.m than she already is

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