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By November 8, 2016August 14th, 2019No Comments

You know when someones hair just looks so damn good? Like its been blow waved professionally but; it actually hasn’t been … That’s probably a Brazilian Blowout Keratin treatment client.

The Brazilian Blowout Keratin treatment is a hair smoothing process used to straighten hair without causing damage to the hair follicles. You can chat to your stylist about how much of your curl or wave you would like to retain. Perhaps you are just wanting to get rid of the frizz that surrounds you…

We are stocking the Original solution and it’s the ironing process during the application that can determine how relaxed your hair is left. Also, a longer time spent under heat can affect the strength of the smoothing / defrizzing and taming of your hair.


The Brazilian Blowout bonds protein to the outer layer of the hair, which helps smooth, protect, soften and relax the hair.

All the rage with celebrities – and other humans at the moment – if you haven’t yet heard about this treatment, now you have.

scar is a Brazilian Blowout certified salon (salons do need to become certified to offer the service), and we now offer this process to our customers with all the loving care, expertise and attention to detail that you’ve come to expect from our crew of amazing stylists.

scar is a Brazilian Blowout certified salon

If you’re interested, get in touch with us to set something up, or even just to get more information about the treatment. You can find our pricing here (under the Specialised Treatments tab).

This isn’t the kind of process which anyone regrets and the results are astounding and life changing for people with hair that usually needs so much attention and hard work, so we really do encourage you to check it out and ask our stylists for their advice. They can also ease any concerns you may have regarding the Blowout’s effect on your current colour, style, etc.

There is formaldahyde in the Original solution so this is not a chemical free process (like many of them) and you can chat to your stylist about that too. Evolution is our current other treatment of this kind and its Zero formula is formaldahyde free for those of you who want to avoid it entirely.

Naturally we want your hair to keep the whole Brazilian effect for as long as possible, so we ALSO stock the post-treatment homecare range, consisting of a shampoo, conditioner, dry oil, smoothing serum, deep conditioning mask and thermal straightening balm – basically all of which would ensure that your hair stays as good as it can. Having said that; all you would actually need to do was make sure that you only used a sulphate free shampoo. By the way; all salt is going to have an affect on your treatment – salt water pool, seawater. Table salt too – if you did feel the need to pour it over your head…

The aftercare range

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