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Let’s start with Charles. 

scar Client, wonderful human and paisano for life, Charles Lindsay-Bowman is one of our favourite people. He is responsible for the FREE concerts in the park. Yes. FREE (there is actually one free and lovely thing available to us!).

Since the first concert in 2011, CITP have expanded a few of the live shows to Wynberg park but our local DeWaal Park is definitely still the main location for this music attraction.

The last concert; on the 22 January started with Albert Frost followed by our very own and very ‘tie-dye-for’, Al Bairre and then goooood ‘ol Art Mathews; otherwise (but now not leagally) known as Just Jinger and the turnout was underbelievable. Concert watchers have the option of setting up picnic on the outskirts or moving closer and closer to the stage depending on how they feel. It is such a heartwarming and happy day. Children are kept busy jumping in and out of the fountain and laughter is everywhere with an atmosphere of holiday and relaxing. (Basically crying from happiness just thinking about it).

It is one of the most wonderful and innovative platforms that we have. It connects people from all over our city – to each other and also to the park which is such a beautiful space. The idea that people from all over the city get to drive into town and sit under our Table Mountain to enjoy our local and lekker music flava (and eachother) is just too much.

The mix of people is something often missing from ordinary Cape Town life and something like this should be cherished and really valued as an asset to the city. 


Sad Side Note: The amount of paperwork and general HARD WORK involved in getting these non profit FREE concerts to the park is a literal nightmare (that’s an understatement) and the patience and time that Charles gives this project is something to admire. We think they are one of the best things about the city. Simmilar to how Charles is … That is why we have named him King Charles of the Concerts in the Park .



Get there. Come straight from the beach or wherever. Come any how; just get there and experience it. The whole event is carried by the Cape Town City Council, The Executive Majors Office and other community concious companies that have wisely chosen to support this happy event. Also the various service providers, the artists, the sound engineers, designers even the homeless who erect & take down everything on every concert day, all of these people providing are their services at reduced rates for the love of happiness and music really!

Tjiek out their website above to see some more pics and the future lineups and come to De Waal Park this Sunday afternoon (19 Feb) and see for yourself. The concerts kick-off at 3pm – come enjoy it.

This coming Sunday, Jimmy Nevis will be performing at De Waal Park along with The Rockets.



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