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To all our clients, scar has been working on ways to maintain the safest (and happiest) environment for our clients and our team in time for our re-opening on Thursday 25 June 2020!

Here are some of the policies we have implemented to prepare you for your glorious return to the salon:

  • To reduce foot traffic in the shop. We kindly request that our clients come to their appointment alone without kids, family or friends. 
  • We need to ask that you please wear your mask for the entire duration of your appointment – our team will be wearing theirs too! Please wear a mask that goes around your ears and not around the back of your head.
  • We also ask that you please make it to your appointment on time – due to the measures we have had to put in place with staggering and limiting bookings,  we wont be able to accommodate late arrivals. We and our stylists rely on each days appointments and we need to be able to carefully project and plan with them in mind going forward. We have months of catch up ahead!
  • Please cancel your booking if you are unwell or if you have been in contact with someone you suspect may have or has had covid-19. We hope you understand that missed appointments will need to be charged for at R300.
  • Our scar team knows to stay home when they are feeling unwell too. It is way simpler to rather reschedule your appointment with us once better.
  • There are no unnecessary deliveries to scar, this includes deliveries from our suppliers, third parties or food deliveries. This also reduces foot traffic in the salon. There will be our usual daily collections of our online orders for those clients who’s hair solution require only a toning product or styling aid. Also for those who have just generally now become; indoorsy….  Please remember that we are here for you, a consultation – even online – with one of our experts can save you and your hair!
  • Our beverage services are still suspended until further notice. i.e. we have closed the scar bar and the serving of coffee and tea. 
  • The 20 second Happy Hour Handwash: To keep vigilance and a fair amount of happiness too; in the salon our intercom will sound and the music will be turned up. The scar team will stop what they are doing and disinfect their hands at this point. This HHH is for clients too and we believe it helps us all to get into the habit currently required. (see video below!)
  • Sections are disinfected after every service and during Happy Hour Handwash.
  • After each payment, the front desk as well as the credit card machine  will be disinfected. 
  • Our front door will remain open in order for people not to have to touch doorknobs to enter the shop.  
  • A thorough cleaning of surfaces such as door knobs, stair railings etc. will be done hourly during Happy Hour Handwash. 
  • The Home Towel Option: Clients have the option of bringing in their own towel should they want or be able to. This may make you feel more comfortable and it will also help us tremendously with our towel situation at this time. 
  • Our scar team will  refrain from any unnecessary human contact incl. handshakes, hugging or touching each other or clients. 
  • The scar team will be washing hands frequently and be using hand sanitizers when arriving at work, after every client visit and during HHH and throughout the day. 
  • Clients will be able to sanitise their hands on arrival at the front door at our station setup with a foot pump for your ease.
  • All group gatherings have been postponed including our weekly education meetings. Don’t worry we are luckily; very educated.
  • Educating our team on COVID-19, remains a priority  and we will continue to give as clear communication as we can on safety measures and protocol.
  • All magazines have been removed. #sadface

We believe these measures will offer our clients as safe an experience as possible in these times and will help to slow the spread of this virus.

We are here. We know hair. We can help. We want to help.

For those of you staying indoors, our online shop is always open.

SPEAK TO YOUR STYLIST. They love your hair!

Thank you for your support – this support is how we have and will continue to get through this and we value that more than we can say. 

From all of us at scar

Happy Hour Handwash