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After 5 years of Sophia Hilton refusing to put this online…. She’s finally done it.
1st of February she will take her famous ‘Perfect bleed’ Crazy Color class and show it to the whole world.

This is no basic zoom, this is thousands of pounds of production and 5 years of perfecting how to teach it. 

She’s taught in person in China, Dubai, South Africa and Australia and taught it in the UK a whopping 295 times.  Now she’s teaching it in your living room.

This is not a scar course, this is a Not Another Academy course and we are sharing this with you because Sophia changed our game when she first came to scar 6 years ago to present her courses and still does!

If you want an EXCLUSIVE discount (of 20%!) to this course, please mail us here and we will sign you up to our student education list.