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A hairbrush is not ordinarily something to get excited about, but it is when it’s almost like a magic brush.


Available in some cool metallic colours (like cherry, oyster and soleil – whatever that is – you may have to googalise it). These special brushes have a soft bristle structure which matches the contours of your scalp, meaning not only do they brush your hair softly and luxuriously (with no breakage), but you get a free scalp massage at the same time!

They’re available on-line here, but have a look at them in-salon, we use them at the backwash basins – these kinds of brushes are the best for detangling without breaking, especially after colour processes when the hair is more vulnerable.

Listen, it’s essentially that shit hot new kind of brush – we had a version of them in-salon recently – rhymes with Shmangle Shmeezer – but now we have this better one.

It’s actually the only type of brush I use.

Who am I?
Someone with hair.

These special brushes have a soft bristle structure which matches the contours of your scalp

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