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As most of our clients know and appreciate, we are fans of evolving and of moving forward in ways that improve not only business and client experience but the world as a whole too. Not only are we striving to be an Animal Cruelty Free salon (we are in year 2 of our 5 year plan to only be stocking ACF products and have not taken on any products that are not ACF since then), we are also striving to reduce our carbon footprint where ever we can.

Some time ago now we made a number of changes to the way we did things at the salon (see our water blog here which explains a fair amount of that). One of these changes was replacing our shower-heads at the basins. We had spent and still do spend quite some time researching options as it takes a fair amount of time to really understand what is making something better and what may be making something harder in the long term. It was then that we found the ECOHEAD shower-heads from Greenheads and below are just some of the benefits of having moved over to them:

  • the heads themselves are 100% recyclable
  • they reduce water & energy usage by up to 65%
  • they double water pressure
  • they remove sediment, rust, and sand

A further bonus to our alleged killer head massages: the powerful water stream combined with a small holes shower-plate act together as skin massage, offering a relaxing experience for our client from start to finish. The unique filtration-system actually helps to reduce chlorine and generates negative ions as water goes through, which softens the hair for a smoother end result.

Watch this space for biodegradable towels / starch bio shopping bags / recyclable with paper, that we are researching now and will be introducing later this year. We hope Greta is happy with how things are (even though slowly) getting Beta!

It takes time to research things properly – also to make sure its a possible and better option than the previous one in place. Thanks for your patience and thanks always for your support.